Category 11 Case Directory
Rating: 5  


AVCAT is a special project being conducted by NICAP, with the help and cooperation of the original compiler of AIRCAT, Dr. Richard Haines, and other sources, to create a comprehensive listing of sightings from aircraft with detailed documentation from these sources, including Projects SIGN, GRUDGE & BLUE BOOK.

"Sausage" Circles T-11 At High Speed
Feb. 28, 1949
Sandberg Pass, California

8:30 p.m. PST (corrected)
Duration 40 secs + (corrected)
T-11 aircraft
United States
1 observer
No radar contact

Fran Ridge:
An interesting report which has inconsistencies in the documents. Martin Shough has filed a report correcting the data (see below).  Briefly, Feb. 28, 1949 is probably the correct date and 8:30 p.m. appears to be the correct time. Angular length of the "sausage" was equal to the angular "width" of the two fingers held together, so the estimated angular width is less than half that stated, maybe 3-4 cm at arm's length. Duration was at least 40 secs. The reported estimated (altitude) was10,500'

Brad Sparks:

Feb. 23, 1949; Sandberg Pass 40 miles S of Bakersfield, Calif. (BBU)
10:30 p.m. USAF pilot of T-11 with 703rd Air Reserve Division saw a sausage shaped object circle the plane in 360° and 180° turns. (Project 1947)

Dan Wilson:
8:30 p.m. PST. The observer, 1st Lt. John P. Smith, AFR, in T-11 aircraft with 703rd Air Reserve Division, saw what looked like a jet-propelled blimp (sausage shape), its apparent length was equal to the combined width of his index and middle fingers. The estimated altitude was about 10,500 ft (9000 ft was aircraft altitude - object was 20 degrees and estimated 1500ft above) and speed. 500 m.p.h. Object circled plane in 360 degree and 180 degree turns and left a steady glow to the rear. Incident lasted 40 seconds total, with actual time in sight 20 sec.

Detailed reports and documents
reports/490223sandbergpass_report.htm (Dan Wilson)
reports/490223sandbergpass_report2.htm (Martin Shough)

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