IMCAT Case Directory
  Category 08, Photographic / Video Images 
Rating: 5  


Ralph Mayher / Miami Film
July 29, 1952
Miami, Florida

Fran Ridge:
July 29, 1952; Miami, Florida
9:30 PM.  Ralph Mayher, using 16 mm film exposed at 24  frames per second, obtained good footage of a high speed UFO. Retaining a few frames for personal study, Mr. Mayher submitted the main portion of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The film was never returned and no analysis report was ever released. Enlargements of a few frames show a fiery looking roughly circular object, symmetrical, with two small peaks or projection on opposite sides of the disc. The Mayer case featured importantly in the subsequent lawsuit by GSW against the CIA and was important because here was a confirmed case of direct interaction of the CIA with a witness, clearly indicating that there was CIA interest in the subject.

Richard Hall:
UFOE, pages 87-88, Item 14.
Ralph Mayher, Miami, Fla.  Using 16 mm film exposed at 24  frames per second, Mr. Mayher obtained good footage of a high speed UFO. Calculations by a physicist at the University of Miami yielded the information that the object was about 27 feet in diameter and travelling about 7550 mph. Retaining a few frames for personal study, Mr. Mayher submitted the main portion of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The film was never returned and no analysis report was ever released.  (For story and pictures, see PIC magazine, June 1954). Enlargements of a few frames show a fiery looking roughly circular object, symmetrical, with two small peaks or projection on opposite sides of the disc.

Mark Rodeghier:
(See CUFOS article below concernng CIA involvement with UFOs)  "In another incident, officers from the Contact Division (CD) of the CIA obtained a UFO photograph from Ralph Mayher in November 1957. After the photos were returned (with no comment or analysis for Mayher), he contacted the CD for the CIA’s evaluation because he wanted to mention it on a television program on which he was going to appear. The CIA declined.  Major Donald Keyhoe, head of NICAP, heard about these events and contacted the CIA to confirm the story. But the CIA refused, referring the matter to the Air Force, even though, as Haines writes, "CD field representatives were normally overt and carried credentials identifying their Agency association." No wonder, again, that ufologists would conclude the government was lying about its UFO activities."

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