Form 97-AR
Date: Monday, 02 Jan 2006

From: Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Specialist
Subject: Marstons Mills, MA September 25, 2003

Cat: 4


Animal Reaction Feature:

At 10:20 PM the witness and two dogs were walking near their home in the Cape Cod area.  The dogs began to pace, tremble, and to hide behind the witness,  a behavior they normally demonstrated when a thunderstorm approaches.  The witness then saw a slow moving, large black object in the sky.


The Sighting:

The sky was partly cloudy with some stars visible.  As the witness was walking with the dogs, the area overhead turned black, and the black area was huge. A defined edge could be seen, and the shape of the blackness changed from oblong, to kidney-shaped, to a distorted sphere. Although the object seemed huge to the witness, the witness also realized that a size estimate could not be made because the altitude of the object was unknown. 


The object was moving slowly and was observed for an estimated 5 minutes. On departure, the object picked up speed and within seconds it had risen into the night sky. There was no sound of any kind.


The witness had seen the same or a similar black object earlier in the year but only for a very brief time.  The dogs reacted fearfully at that time also.  Another sighting occurred under an overcast sky on September 28, 2003 at 7:50 PM.  In this case the object was moving fast and was easily seen against the cloudy sky.  No animals were present on the 28th.


Marstons Mills is located between Otis A.F.B. and Hyannis Airport.  The witness felt the black object was too huge and massive to be an airplane.


No sound, no EM effects, and no physiological effects reported.



National UFO Reporting Center:    for Sept. 25, 2003 sighting    for Sept. 28, 2003 sighting.



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