Form 97-AR
Date: Saturday, 18 March 2006

From: Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Specialist
Subject: Waxhaw, NC   December 24, 2005

Cat: 4


Animal Reaction Feature:

Taking the dog outside at 10:45 PM, the witness heard a loud, whistling sound and saw a large disc hovering 30 feet above the house.  The dog saw it and started barking at it.


The sighting:

The object was described as a huge disc with rainbow-colored lights on the bottom that blinked as a siren-like sound was heard.  The color of the disc was gray and what appeared to be oval-shaped door was seen. As the dog barked, the object took off at the “speed of light” and appeared to vanish, leaving all the trees moving back and forth. 


[This sighting on NUFORC is 4-5 brief lines, but they are dense with information.  It is an anonymous report with no contact information available, so the sighting is totally uninvestigated.  There was no information given in the NUFORC report that could be verified.  Waxhaw is a self-described quaint town 20 miles SE of Charlotte.  I researched the weather conditions at the time of the sighting.  The temperature at Monroe (7 miles to the NE) was as follows:  49° F, humidity 48%, visibility 10 miles, wind 5 mph or less from the south; at 10:53 PM the sky was overcast and by 11:53 PM a light rain was falling ( and NOAA).  The crescent moon rose at 1:44 AM on December 25, and so was not a factor.—jw]


Sound and physical effects similar to wind blowing trees were reported.  No EM or physiological effects were reported.


A report with some similarities came from New York the next day. On Dec. 25 a dull gray craft flying low beneath clouds at an estimated 900 mph was seen at 10:15 AM.

[Sky conditions at the time of  NY sighting were mostly cloudy to overcast, 38°F,  humidity 73%, with the wind calm to 4 mph, visibility 10 miles (—jw]





New York sighting:




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