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Group /Category 4
Animal Effect Cases

Case Directory
Sandy Hook, Connecticut
March 31, 1983

Animal Reaction Feature:
At 8:30 pm, Thunder, a 175-pound Great Dane, “went crazy” and barked for 3 minutes.  His owner, Cindy Tillison, went to see what was going on.  Thunder was standing at the sliding doors in the kitchen barking toward the woods.  When Tillison looked, she saw a huge V-shaped object.  The object remained for 20 minutes and, throughout this time, Thunder appeared frightened and barked continuously with ears straight up.  The next day he refused to go out.

Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Feature:
The V-shaped object was glowing a very bright auburn color and had lights similar to headlights but much larger.  When Tillison flicked her floodlights on and off, the object appeared to move in response, after which she left the lights off.  During the 20 minutes of observation, the object projected a big, steady beam of light, seemingly from its center.  The beam was very wide, estimated a little less than half the size of the object.  The big round lights did change, going off [and on?—jw] and changing colors.  The object disappeared when the witness was not looking.

No sound was mentioned.  No EM effects or physiological effects were reported.

Hynek, J. Allen, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, l998, Night Siege, The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings,  Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul MN, p. 69-71.

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