Rich Vitello
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, April 19, 1948Rich Vitello works in NICAP's research division and is a member of the A-Team. . His main job is the transcription of military and civilian documents into text for computer search purposes. With the MADAR Project (UFO detection) he is the Communication's and Alert Officer. He created, organized and has executed the Net Control Station for the Amateur Radio UFO Net (www.ARUFON.org) for over 35 years, call sign: W1RV. He served in the US Army Infantry as 36c20 Field Wireman School ­ 1967 Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Worked for AT&T Long Lines: 1970-1980 as Communication Craftsman. Attended many Bell System classes in AT&T Albany, NY school. One year transfers to Oklahoma City, OK & White Plains, NY for 4A/E switching offices. Attended:  Bryant & Stratton College Boston ­ Major Aviation Sciences (candidate - no degree) 1970. Central New England College ­ Major Applied Sciences (candidate ­ no degree) 1980.  Data General Corp. Westboro, MA:  1980 - 1993.  Attended dozens of computer, communications and PBX courses.  Maintained corporate world wide data and voice communication networks.  Maintained Day Ray CBX4000 & NTI SL1XT PBX systems. Allmerica Financial: 1993-1997. Administrator of New Technology; Imaging workstations for business applications Automatic Work Distribution (AWD) software. Process Software Corp. 1997-2005. National Technical Support for Cisco Multinet and PSC TCPware software TCP/IP networking stacks for Digital Equipment Corp (DEC) VAX and Alpha machines. Active Amateur Radio enthusiast for over 50 years. Presently holds an Amateur (ham) Extra Class FCC Radio license (Highest Class) Specializing in Voice and Data communications world wide. Life Member ARRL Amateur Radio Organization Created,  edited and published the world's first and only Amateur Radio TCP/IP Newsletter in the 80's.

I approach the field of ufology with an open mind albeit somewhat skeptical.  After years of reading, studying and listening to witnesses first hand it's my opinion the UFO phenomenon is real.  I subscribe to the ETH but again remain open to other possibilities as our own scientific knowledge advances. Only through technological advances (MADAR, computer sciences, Quantum Mechanics etc) will we determine exactly what the nature of the UFO phenomenon actually is.