Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham
Captain Ruppelt says in his private notes about Goudsmit, "This man, from AEC’s Brookhaven Lab on Long Island, sat on the [CIA/Robertson] Panel that met in Washington in January 1953. Goudsmidt [sic] was probably the most violent anti-saucer man at the panel meeting. Everything was a big joke to him which brought down the wrath of the other panel members on numerous occasions" (Sparks: This was actually Page who made the UFO jokes, whom Ruppelt confused with Goudsmit since both Page and Goudsmit were much alike as the most hostile skeptics on the Robertson Panel -- the other two, Panel Chairman Robertson and Alvarez being the most UFO-favorable.  Berkner came late and did not register on anyone as either pro- or anti-UFO, and simply rubber-stamped what had already been agreed upon by the others).. Goudsmit discovered electron spin in 1925. In 1944 he led the Alsos scientific intelligence mission to investigate and exploit German technological developments including atomic weapons research. Goudsmit may have attended the Robertson Panel II meeting at CIA on Feb. 6, 1953, or "rump Panel" as Robertson called it in his letter to CIA OSI director H. Marshall Chadwell on Jan. 20.  But Robertson said Goudsmit preferred a Saturday date of Feb. 7 to the 6th.  Chadwell however approved the Feb. 6 date in his Jan. 28 reply, leaving it somewhat uncertain whether Goudsmit attended.  This was an after-action meeting to review AF and other agency reactions to the Panel and to review Fred Durant's detailed report of the meetings (but which was still not ready yet, not until Feb. 16). Robertson and some other Panel members (uncertain if included Goudsmit) continued to review additional UFO cases submitted directly by Lt. Robert Olsson, acting chief of Project Blue Book, through at least July 1953.  Hynek called these new tough UFO reports "Pinchbottle cases" (meaning "best unsolved" and "exceptional interest") and asked Olsson on July 21 to forward Robertson's comments (not known if any were received and no copies known).  Chadwell had informed his CIA boss, the new Deputy Director for Intelligence Robert Amory, Jr., on Feb. 10, 1953, that "Should spectacular [UFO] developments occur, it would be possible to reconvene the Panel to appraise new evidence."In later years, Goudsmit was asked by the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence in 1957 (due to a Congressional inquiry triggered by Keyhoe/NICAP) if he would authorize the partial release of his signed 2-page Robertson Panel report.  Goudsmit remained a debunker.