Richard (Dick) Hall
was the assistant director of
NICAP (1965-1967) during the Colorado Project era. He was
not formally a project team member but could justifiably
be called such. He and Don Keyhoe had come to Colorado
early in the project, by invitation, to give the staff a
briefing from NICAPs point of view. The staff, even
Condon, was VERY impressed by Dick. This led to a request
that he stay on for a few weeks to help organize project
thinking, methods, information-organizing et al. He sat in
on all the team meetings in those early 1967 days. Dick
did let his bias get to him one key time, however. In one
meeting, Condon et al were fussing about the apparent
impossibility in getting field teams to the actual site of
an occurrence (really a set of incidents or a localized
flap) before the phenomenon just went away. Dick said that
they (NICAP) were able to do that maybe several times a
year --- which on later reflection, he admitted to others
was a stressed baloney response. Nevertheless, Condon said
that he was relieved to hear that, and everyone felt
better about preparing for getting out into the field
chasing UFOs. (Swords). Jan Aldrich: Editor of Satellite
(pre-NICAP); BA Tulane U; Sec of NICAP 1958; Asst Director
NICAP 1963 (?); Chairman of the EM Effects NICAP
Subcommitte 1962-1963 (?); MUFON Journal editor; MUFON
Foreign Correspondent; Founding member of FUFOR and later
Chairman of the Board; UFO Research Coalition (chairman
for one term?). Books and papers: "The UFO Evidence,
Volume II: A Thirty Year Report." (2001); "The Science of
UFOs: Facts vs. Skepticism," International Space Sciences
Organization, web site: (December 1999);
"Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves," International UFO
Reporter. (Winter 1998); "Bridging 50 Years of UFO
History," chapter in UFOs: 1947-1997, edited by Hilary
Evans & Dennis Stacy (1998); "Uninvited Guests: A
Documented History of UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters
& Coverups." Santa Fe, NMex. (1988); "The UFO
Evidence". NICAP (1964)