Jim Lorenzen was born at
Grand Meadow, Minnesota on January 2, 1922. He was
an electronics technician by trade. Between 1942 and
1945 he was a radio operator with the US Army Air
Corps. And between 1945 and 1951 he played as a
professional musician. From 1951 to 1954 Lorenzen
worked as an engineer at a radio station. Then from 1954
to 1960 he worked at as an electronics technician at
Holloman AFB. His awards include an Air Medal with
Cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross with Cluster and a
Presidential Citation. From 1960 to 1967 he worked
at Kitt Peak National Observatory as a technical
associate. After that he was owner of Lorenzen Music
Enterprises In Tuscon Arizona. He and his wife Coral
authored a number of UFO books and co-founded the Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization (APRO). He passed
away in 1986. (Photo of
Jim and Coral) Coral &
Jim Lorenzen's publications include: He and his wife shared the opinion that UFOs are best explained by the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). |