Lundahl, Arthur
Charles All during WW2 he was interpreting photographs of enemy
targets in the Pacific theater. Was married in 1945.
Joined NAVPIC in 1946 and was there until under the CIA in
1953 (apparently this is the year that Lundahl formally
became CIA himself). NAVPIC saw the Great Falls and
Tremonton films arrive at the organization. Lundahl was in
the NAVPIC front office by then, so did not do any of the
analysis himself. But he knew the guys, Woo and Neasham,
well, and was interested in what they were doing. He
remembered very clearly the request from the CIA to have
personnel bring the films to a scientific panel for
review. Either because of this or even previously, he had
a strong interest in UFO cases especially involving film.
His actual job began to emphasize interpretation of U-2
photos. Early in the 1950s. (c.1954) he became President
of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing. (I have no idea if this presidency demanded a
cover job like Fred Durant's involvements in astronomical
and rocketry societies did.) He attended a large (c.100
attendee) meeting held by the ONR on UFO information in
1955. Whether this was the final review given by the USN
sideline UFO study project initially ordered by Navy
secretary Kimball is debated. In the later 1950s, he
consistently briefed Ike on aerial reconnaissance and
became an influential person in "secret Washington". He
also began collecting a file drawer of unclassified UFO
photos; whether he also had a drawer of classified UFO
photos one may guess. It is suspected by Australian
researchers that PIC received the famous Tom Drury film
during the early/mid-1950s, and that Lundahl probably knew
about it. As a probable irrelevant sideshow, he was
briefly involved in the infamous "Mrs. Swan Psychic UFO
case", which also drew in Colonel Friend for a while.
(c.1959). He constantly briefed both JFK and LBJ, and is
considered an American hero for advice given during the
Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Maintained an intense
interest in UFOs during the 1960s, amassing a huge library
of UFO related books in his home library. Met with
representatives of the Colorado Project in 1967. This
meeting was general in tone, but could have served the
purposes of both parties. Colorado could get the services
of the best photo-analysts anywhere for free, and Lundahl
would get to personally see whatever came to them first
hand. Colorado stuck with Hartmann and never took him up
on anything. Due to Jim McDonald bugging President Johnson
about UFOs, Johnson asked VP Humphrey's space technology
advisor, Frank Rand, to make a quiet in-house study of
UFOs to "get McDonald off my back". Rand actually liked
the assignment and one of the first people he asked to be
on this team was Art Lundahl. In another irrelevancy, in
about 1968, Karl Pflock went to work for Lundahl. In 1970,
Lundahl went to Dick Hall's home for an evening's
discussion. The other "party guest" was Jim McDonald. [
McDonald had met with Lundahl many times previous, as he
was asked to brief Frank Rand's team several times,
without knowing what Rand et al were doing]. During the
Hall-McDonald get-together, Lundahl said that he had
talked to General Charles Cabell and the ex-USAF
Intelligence chief, and number two in the NSA, continued
to feel that UFOs "warranted attention". During the same
get-together Lundahl said that he saw no reason why
advanced technology couldn't be extremely small. He
wondered aloud if a UFO might not be so small that "there
might be one over there in that fireplace". McDonald said
that Art's gist was that the "big ones we can live with,
but these little ones get me." Regardless of how whimsical
Lundahl might have been at that moment, the remark betrays
a mind VERY interested in the UFO phenomenon. Lundahl
retired from NPIC in 1973 due to severe arthritis. To my
knowledge no one ever was able to read his UFO files
(either at all or with enough time) to give us any real
understanding of what was in them. (Mike Swords)