Cmdr. Robert B. McLaughlin
Robert McLaughlin was an engineering graduate of
the Naval Academy and an expert on anti-aircraft
gunnery. He migrated into guided missiles work
and worked on a primitive beginning of what we would
call an “intelligent” missile, able to alter flight on
its own to destroy evasive targets. McLaughlin
was active in the Pacific Theater during the war, and
in 1946 was assigned to White Sands Proving Grounds in
charge of navel research units at the base. As
we have seen, there was a great deal of UFO activity
in the vicinity of White Sands, and Commander
McLaughlin heard about it. He was one of the
first to hear from Charles Moore’s group about the
theodolite observation of an object during their
balloon launch of April 24, 1949. McLaughlin
himself saw a UFO on May 9, 1949 during a WAC-B rocket
launch at the Proving Grounds. These were not
the only incidents he had heard about, and on May 12,
1949, he wrote his friend, the legendary atmospheric
physicist Dr. James Van Allen, about the
phenomenon. McLaughlin was more than intrigued,
all this excited him. His collection of reports
indicated to him that these objects could
accelerate. This meant they were powered, and
therefore, were technology, and that the acceleration
maneuvering characteristics precluded them being
manned. He had already talked to Clyde Tombaugh
prior to writing Van Allen. Both McLaughlin and
Tombaugh thought that the technology perhaps came from
Mars. (Tombaugh has seen an unusual, anomalous
“flesh” light up an area of the Martian surface in his
telescope in 1941 and other rare flashes had been seen
by Tsunco Sahchi of Japan; plus Mars was in one of the
closer positions to Earth when the U.S. set off its
first atomic bomb. Both McLaughlin and Tombaugh
wondered whether a Martian race had been alerted by
that event to come take a closer look).
McLaughlin admitted to Van Allen that all of this gave
him a bit of a crazy feeling, but the observational
facts were at least facts. (UFOs & Government,
Swords) McLaughlin became the target of an
extraordinary AFOSI leak investigation in Sept 1949,
aimed at finding out who leaked highly sensitive AF
UFO investigations to the press at cancelled V-2
launches in July and August 1949. McLaughlin had
dual roles as both the chief of the Naval Rocket Unit
at White Sands but also the Public Relations Officer
for all three military services at White Sands Proving
Ground, with inherent authority to declassify info to
release to the press and public. Thus McLaughlin
was "untouchable." The Navy backed McLaughlin
all the way, contrary to later rumors that he had been
disciplined for publishing a pro-UFO article in
"True" magazine, March 1950, "How Scientists
Tracked a Flying Saucer." In fact the Navy
promoted McLaughlin to first or second in command of a
destroyer, considered a much higher honor than a desk
job in the desert at White Sands. The Navy was
especially angry at the AF over the failed "Revolt of
the Admirals" early in 1949 and was highly interested
in anything, such as mishandling of UFO
investigations, that might make the AF look bad.
Thus the Navy also backed Marine (Navy) pilot
Keyhoe against the AF coverup of UFO's. (Brad Sparks)