Gen. Ernest M. "Mickey"
General Moore was a Captain and a Major in Hawaii when the
WWII began. (Find
a grave bio) His coordinating long-range bombing
strikes on the Empire of Japan resulted in his being
promoted to Brigadier General (He retired as a Major
General.) After the War he entered the National War
College and ultimately was posted in the Pentagon as Chief
of the Air Intelligence Division under Chief of
Intelligence General Charles
Cabell. While under Cabell
in 1948-1951, Moore had responsibility for several
important actions vis-a-vis the Flying Disk problem. One
of these involved Secretary of Defense Forrestal's
willingness to have the Saturday Evening Post magazine
send a writer to Project Sign to find out what the USAF
was doing about UFOs. This request, and then order, drove
the USAF crazy, and resulted in Moore explaining to
Forrestal that they really needed to "assist" the Post's
reporter Sidney Shalett in constructing his piece, "in the
national interest". Forrestal allowed this, but it
resulted in a fiasco, wherein Moore's division fumbled the
"assistance" and instead of writing a companion article to
blunt Shalett's pieces, UFO-sympathetic personnel at
Wright-Patterson wrote the famous "Project Saucer"
release, which was far more positive towards UFOs than
were Post articles. In fact it was the Project Saucer
publication which inspired Don Keyhoe to begin really
bird-dogging the UFO subject, leading to the role that
NICAP played in harassing the USAF during the later
1950s. Moore and Cabell were also involved in
a second watershed action. In 1950, when it became obvious
that the piecemeal and extremist policies of the USAF were
not working, and that the behaviors of Col. Harold Watson
at Wright-Patterson were making things worse. Moore wrote
Watson that he was, whether he liked it or not, to begin
behaving in a simple manner towards any inquiries about
UFO cases, and that this directive was to be followed
throughout the military. The policy became: if an incident
was solved, any officer was to say that it had been
investigated and nothing of value had been found. If the
incident was unsolved, then it was to be said that it was
still being investigated. And all data was then to be sent
to the Pentagon, where THEY would decide as to what if any
press release would be made. This became then what Keyhoe
called "The Policy of Silence." In the Charles Cabell
biography, A MAN OF INTELLIGENCE, occurs the following
quote: "My first deputy was Brigadier General Ernest
("Mickey") Moore. He was most effective and particularly
compatible. His war record was an impressive one, which
included command of our fighters on Iwo Jima that escorted
our B-29s on their operations over Japan. Moore and his
single-engined, single-seated fighters made those lonely,
daily flights over the hundreds of miles of open ocean. It
required skill, stamina and courage." ......p. 258. |