Seitz, Dr.
Frederick Dr. Frederick Seitz was a distinguished physicist and member of the scientific establishment. He was at the time of the completion of the Colorado Project occupying the extremely prestigious position of President of the National Academy of Sciences. The USAF contract with Colorado had stated that once the Project final report was completed, it would be sent to the NAS for review and comment before being passed on to the USAF. All of that is, on the surface, logical and seemingly ideal. The hidden joker in that story, however, is that Seitz was a former favorite student of Ed Condon, and loyal to his old mentor. Although it perhaps would have made little difference had someone not so prejudicially connected to Condon had review oversight, it came as no surprise to anyone that Seitz and the NAS basically rubber-stamped approval of the report with little evidence of having given the task much time. (Swords) |