Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 11:19:34 +0100 (BST)
From: daniel wilson <>
Subject: Letter to Commanding General HQ North Dakota Air National Guard,  Fargo, N.D.
Cat: 11
To: Francis Ridge <>

Letter to Commanding General HQ North Dakota Air National Guard, Fargo, N.D.
January 7, 1949
Reference to incident of UFO on 1 October 1948
During analysis of evidence, certain points were brought out which clarification is desired. It is requested that all witnesses to subject incident particularly Lt. Gorman, be intervied again concerning the following matters:
As to the exact shaped of object seen
As to the size and range of object seen
As to the luminosity of object seen            
H. H. McCoy
Colonel, USAF
Chief , Intelligence Department
The following pdf file contains all of the resized Project Blue Book documents below and is now housed on the NICAP site for security reasons.

The original over-sized docs from the Blue Book site are listed below:
Frames 771-772
Letter to CG, HQ ND ANG, Fargo, ND
Continued / Signed H. H. McCoy, Col. USAF, Chief, Intelligence Department