on October 11, 1966, Appendix "C", page 22:
Method II -- Direct use of Earth's Magnetic
One observer (incident 68) noticed a violent
motion of a hand-held compass. If we assume from
this that the objects produced a magnetic field,
comparable with the Earth's field; namely, 0.1
gauss, and that the observer found that the
object subtended an angle 0 at his position,
then the ampere-turns of the required
electromagnet is given by:
R is the range of the object. For instance, if R
is 1 Kilometer and the object is 10 meters in
diameter, then ni = 1 billion ampere-turns.
if the object were actually only 10 meters away
and were correspondingly smaller, namely, 10 cm
in diameter, it would still require 10 million
figures are a little in excess of what can be
conveniently done on the ground. They make it
seem unlikely that the effect was actually
the Earth's magnetic field would react on such a
magnet to produce not only a torque but also a
force. This force depends not directly on the
Earth's field intensity but on its irregularity
or gradient. This force is obviously minute
since the change in field over a distance of 10
meters (assumed diameter of the object) is
scarcely measurable, moreover, the gradient is
not predictable but changes due to local ore
deposits. Thus, even if the effect were large
enough to use, it would still be unreliable and
George E. VALLEY, Member Scientific Advisory
Automobile Ignition - James E.
a few oersteds would have to be produced right
at the (automobile ignition) coil to accomplish
this kind of effect (ignition failure), but when
one back calculates, allowing for shielding
effects and typical distances, and assumes an
inverse-third-power diple field, the requisite
H-values within a few feet of the "UFO diple"
end, to speak here somewhat loosely, come out in
the megagauss range. Curiously, a number of
other back-calculations of magnetic fields end
up in this same range; but obviously terrestrial
technologies would not easily yield such
intensities. - James E. McDonald, University of
Microwave Propulsion - James M.
a variety of contexts in the preceding sections
and chapters, the emanation of microwave energy
from UFOs has been adduced. These references
should be summarized here and examined together
to improve the overall perspective of this
point. Electromagnetic energy in the range of
about 300 to 3,000 MHz, or higher, seemed to be
responsible for:
stimulating colored halos around UFOs, largely
from the noble gases in the atmosphere,
producing a dazzling, white plasma on the
surface of UFOs, akin' to ball lightning,
inducing chemical changes that were detected as
turning off automobile headlights by increasing
the resistance of their tungsten filaments,
stopping internal combustion engines by
increasing resistance of the distributor points
the current in the primary windings,
precipitating wild gyrations of compasses and
magnetic speedometers and rattling metallic
heating of automobile batteries through the
direct absorption of energy in the acid,
interfering with radio (and television)
reception and transmission by inducing
extraneous voltages in the coil of the tuned
circuit, or restricting the emission of
electrons from tungsten cathodes,
disrupting transmission of electrical power by
induced operation of isolation relays, j)
dessicating a small pond and drying of grass,
bushes, and the ground by resonant absorption in
water molecules,
charring or calcining grass roots, insects, and
wooden objects at landing sites, 1) heating
bituminous highways in depth and igniting the
volatilized gases, m) heating the human body
internally, n) causing people to feel electrical
shocks, and o) inducing temporary paralysis in
the witnesses.
addition, medical experiments have shown that,
when pulsed at a low audio frequency this energy
was capable of
stimulating the auditory nerve directly with the
sensation of hearing a humming, or buzzing,
While this evidence is so broad that the loss of
a few points would hardly damage the argument,
it is all circumstantial. Proof of the suspected
radiation would be at hand only through direct,
instrumental measurements by qualified
personnel. But one despairs of the direct
experimental approach in view of the
difficulties in assembling the complex and
expensive equipment, finding a UFO in the field,
and staying in its vicinity long enough to make
the measurements. Perhaps, the following episode
can fill the present void.
A famous
sighting in the fall of 1957 was made from an Air
Force B-47 on a training mission over the Gulf of
Mexico and the South-Central states. It came to
the attention of the Condon Committee rather by
accident and was investigated as Case No. 5 . -
James M. McCampbell, UFOLOGY
Fran Ridge
MADAR Director