INFORMATION SERIES                                 

"UAPs, MADAR, During Wartimes"
  A Time To Be Vigilant

15 April 2024

By Fran Ridge

Any serious UFO/UAP student who has spent any time reading/studying the phenomena over the years knows that strategic and nuclear incidents have occurred involving UFOs/UAPs. The most recent of course are the "tic tac" incidents off the U.S. coasts. Also obvious are incidents or periods in history where UFOs/UAPs are directly involved in man's agressive activities. In this brief paper I present the following, two of which involve Israel. One includes a MADAR incident as well, years before MADAR-III went operational.

I knew it very early in 2022 and asked several ops to help me monitor the MADAR Map near Ukraine while the Russian threat was suddenly developing. Over the period of a few weeks when none of the MADAR nodes turned red, the vigil became tiresome and we all went back to our regular work. Then, on February 24th, Putin invaded Ukraine.

On March 9th, the beginning of a wave of sightings involving MADAR anomalies began that didn't slack off until May of 2023.  The printout below shows that something was going on.

If called to testify before a congressional committee, my colleagues would not have been embarrassed to bring the following to their attention.

UFOs and events in the midst of wars is not new. Most students know about the "Foo Fighters" during WWII. If they don't they should listen to Keith Chester:

Dr. Richard Haines would present the "flying saucer" reports, advanced aerial devices observed over Korea during the Korean war.

I can show that UFOs, that always showed interest before and after, showed interesting restraint during the Cuban Missile Crisis!

Barry Greenwood and Brad Sparks would have "stolen the show" with their documented report on the events during the Viet Nam War:
Brad Sparks: "Except for 2 probable helicopters shot down, on June 16 & 17, 1968, this network was completely unable to identify any of the other 500 tracks or so.The stats are an incredible 99.6% Unknowns, IFO's 0.4%.  To help the IFO cause so to speak, a conservative guestimate of maybe 5 IFO's in the uncertain early phase in mid-June 1968 would make this 99% Unknowns, 1% IFO's, a devastating statistic. These are from INSTRUMENT SENSORS.  No more hopeless reliance on mere human anecdotal evidence.The 7th AF history clearly states it was about 'UFO's' NOT about helicopters, it only began initially with 'unidentified helicopters' as of around June 15-16, 1968."

Richard Hall and I both wrote separate papers about the "hidden wave" of 1967. My research turned up some surprises during that wave which actually began in 1966 and ended in 1967 and included missile shutdowns and the Arab/Israeli War.

I also wrote the UFO Wave of 1973 & the Yom Kippur War and MADAR alert
On Oct. 25, 1973, US Forces went on DEFCON III alert. The U.S. became concerned that the Soviet Union might intervene in the Arab/Israeli (Yom Kippur War) and U.S. forces including Strategic Air Command, Continental Air Defense Command, European Command and the Sixth Fleet were placed on DEFCON III Alert.
Posey County Indiana) had been involved in an active UFO situation for days. On October 20th an L&N train had been stopped by a UFO near there. During this massive sighting wave of 1973 there was a MADAR alert right at the peak in sightings.. On Nov. 1, 1973; Mt. Vernon, Indiana, MADAR was triggered at 9:47 PM. when when a blue and green light at Bufkin, just a few miles north of the MADAR site. The UFO had moved up and down, back and forth, beginning at 10:40 p.m. and there was a humming noise associated with it.

It does not involve a stretch of the imagination to consider that sightings of UFOs/UAP are related to dangerous wartime events. During two major UFO waves there was also two limited, but dangerous, wars involving Israel. As I write this brief paper, Israel is preparing a retalitory attack on Iran for its drone and missile attack of 13 April 2024. Iran's attack involved around 170 drones, over 30 cruise missiles, and more than 120 ballistic missiles, Since these actions involve the U.S. and its allies putting missile bases, military bases, submarine bases all over the world on high alert, we should not be surprised that UFOs/UAPs are also concerned and that we should not be surprised that MADAR sites are being activated. It is imperative that all sites should be online and ops prepared to act accordingly.

See more details in cases by year.

For more information on MADAR check out the

Fran Ridge