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Muroc AFB Incidents
Muroc AAF, California
July 7, 8, 1947

Updated 12 April 2015
Fran Ridge:

According to Captain Edward Ruppelt, the top secret "Estimate of the Situation", which was that the UFOs were interplanetary, listed this very case as one which suggested that conclusion. Actually a series of sightings from the secret Air Force test center at Muroc AFB (now Edwards AFB), in one instance thick projections were observed on top which crossed each other at intervals, suggesting either rotation or oscillation. 

July 7, 1947; Muroc Army Air Field, Calif.
10:10 a.m. AAF experimental test pilot Major Jowell C. Wise while powering up an XP-84 jet on the runway looked up where others were looking and saw to the N a yellowish-white sphere about 5-10 ft diameter oscillating in a "forward whirling" motion without losing altitude at about 10,000-­12,000 ft altitude moving W to E at about 200-225 mph. [Sightings at Muroc next day.] (FOIA)


July 8, 1947; Muroc AAF
9:45 a.m. (PDT). AAF 1st Lt. Joseph C. McHenry, T/Sgt Joseph Ruvolo, S/Sgt Gerald E. Nauman, and Miss Jannette Marie Scotte at 10:00 a.m., saw two saucer or disc shaped objects, silver and apparently metallic, fly a wide circular pattern [?] at about 7500-8000 ft at 350-400 mph heading 320° (about NW) toward Mojave, Calif. Before the first 2 objects disappeared a 3rd similar disc or spherical silver object reflecting sunlight was seen, with additional 5 witnesses, to the N flying tight circles at about 7,000-8,000 ft beyond capability of known aircraft, maintaining altitude. No sound or trails. 3-4 mins. [See sightings at Muroc later in the day and previous day.] 

July 8, 1947; Muroc AAF
11:50 a.m.-12 noon. AAF experimental test pilot Capt. John Paul Strapp, Mr. Lenz from Wright Field and 2 others in an observation truck at Area 3 of Rogers Dry Lake for a P-82 ejection seat test saw a round silver or aluminum-white object at first thought to be a parachute, about 25 ft wide, falling from a height below the 20,000 ft of the test aircraft at 3x the rate for an ejection seat test, drifting horizontally toward Mt. Wilson (to the S) at less than 50-80 mph, which when close to horizon appeared to have an oval outline with 2 thick fins or knobs on the upper surface which seemed to rotate or oscillate, no propellers, slowly disappearing below the mountain tops in the distance after 90 secs.

July 8. 1947; Muroc AAF
Noon. Others witnesses independently, including Muroc CO Col. Signa A. Gilkey and engineer Major Richard R. Shoop and wife saw from a different location 5-8 miles away to the N [?] the apparently same falling object, thin metallic aluminum colored and the size of a pursuit aircraft [50 ft?], reflecting sunlight and oscillating, descend to ground level, then rise again and move slowly off in the distance for a total of 8 mins. No sound or trail. [See sightings at Muroc earlier and later in the day and previous day.] 8-mins. (FOIA; Vallée Magonia 60)

July 8, 1947; 40 miles S of Muroc AAF
4 p.m. Exactly four hours later the pilot of an F-51 was flying at 20,000 feet about 40 miles south of Muroc Air Base when he sighted a "flat object of a light reflecting nature." He reported that it had no vertical fin or wings. When he first saw it, the object was above him and he tried to climb up to it, but his F-51 would not climb high enough. All air bases in the area were contacted but they had no aircraft in the area. [See previous Muroc sightings.] (Exact and complete quote from Ruppelt p. 22)


Report -NICAP UFO Evidence
 AF Investigation into multi-witness UFO sighting at Muroc Air Base in California - Project 1947

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