The trail is said to have cut a swathe
through the clouds, a "clear path" through which
they could "see the blue sky" . This sort of
effect does occur and is called a distrail
(opposite of a contrail) . But what puzzles me
about this is that the weather description says
the sky was clear apart from only scattered
cumulus at 8000 - 10,000ft. And the witness
reports refer to these clouds as the clouds
concerned. But true cumulus clouds are not thin
sheets, they are deep volumes. Yet the reports
say that the cloud appeared to be cut through by
the trail. How does a narrow "sharp edged" gap
get cut through a deep cumulus so that the eye
(and the camera?) can see clear through to the
other side?
This means cutting a deep slice, a deep
vertical-sided canyon if you like, right through
the bulk of the cloud, cutting it in half. This
is a very peculiar thing that seems hard to
understand as any kind of physical aerodynamic
or other effect due to a passing object. And in
any case, to see up through this narrow chasm
all the way to the sky beyond, the witness would
have to be very fortuitously positioned in
relation to the chasm, and if the witness is
looking at a low elevation through a car
windscreen the chasm would have to be cut
through the cloud at a strangely oblique angle
(not vertically, as would be more "natural" in
any plausible-sounding physical theory).
On the other hand, a gap more like a thin
line, that would be visible over a wide range of
angles, is possible if a distrail is caused in a
thin cloud sheet.. Yet there was no thin cloud
reported. But is that reliable?
It isn't certain where the cloud info comes
from. The 8000 - 10,000ft scattered cloud is
given as an approximate guess ("I'd say . . ."
writes witness John Woodruff) in the observer
accounts, so they may actually be the source.
The Incident Checklists under "weather
conditions" appear to quote the witnesses. I can
find no other data given that would suggest
proper weather reports were obtained.
So maybe the cloud was not true cumulus but
instead a patchy layer of thin stratiform cloud
like cirrus, for example . That would more
plausibly allow the object to have cloven the
cloud in the way described.
Then there's another possibility: could the
"gap" actually have been a shadow cast from
above onto a layer of thin cloud by a dense
contrail or smoke trail? The object did leave a
trail of its own, distinct from the apparent gap
in the cloud, and this trail is said to have
been visible "right through the cloud" and
described as "dark blue black". A shadow of a
dense trail cast on the thin cloud could appear
much like a gap because the thin cloud would not
have significant opacity to transmission of
skylight, rather its apparent density would be
due to brightly scattering sunlight, like
full-beam headlamps in fog dip or extinguish the
lights and you can see though it. Similarly
where the trail shadows the cloud the deep blue
of the sky above would become much more visible
In that case any kind of object that leaves a
dense smoky trail could be the cause, but if the
trail is truly horizontal above the horizontal
cloud layer then a meteor trail would seem
unlikely, even if the cloud was really high
cirrus. A smoky jet or missile might do it. But
of course this comes up against the claim by one
of the witnesses that he actually saw a
translucent disc making the trail.
It's a pity that the making of the trail
could not have been photographed as it happened.
But it would at least be helpful to have good
copies of the photos that were made. Do we know
where these are?
One other point to note: Two of the witnesses
describe the apparent gap through the cloud in
interesting ways one says the edges appeared
"feathered" and compares them to "cutting a weld
in half" (referring I suppose to chevron-like
ripples along the length of the weld); the other
says it was like "a pebble leaving a ring in the
pond", presumably implying that the edges looked
rippled. This interesting structure could be
said to argue against the shadow-on-thin-cloud
theory (on the other hand the structure could
possibly belong to the trail above)