Subject: AFB Penetration (Loring AFB, 1975)


                                                                                 29 October 1975
                                                                                                            0605 EST


              Subject:  AFB Penetration

              1.  At 290200 EST AFOC informed NMCC that an unidentified
              helicopter, possibly two, had been sighted flying low over
              Loring AFB Maine, in proximity to a weapons storage area.

              2.  An Army National Guard helo was called in to assist in
              locating the unidentified helo(s).

              3.  NORAD was informed of the incident by SAC, requested and
              received authority from Canadian officials to proceed into
              Canadian airspace if necessary to locate the intruder.

              4.  At 0404 SAC Command Center informed NMCC that the army helo
              assisting on the scene had not sighted the unidentified helo(s).

              5.  A similar incident was reported at Loring the evening of
              28 October 1975

                                                                    C. D. Roberts, Jr.
                                                                    Brigadier General, USMC
                                                                    Deputy Director for
                                                                    Operations (NMCC)

                   CJCS (5)     CSA                                                      PA REP
                   DJS (3)        CNO                                                     WEST HEM DESK
                   J-30             CSAF                  NWSB
                   J-31             CMC                  NMCC BRIEFER
                   J-32             CH, WWMCCS OPS & EVAL DIV
                   J-32A          DDO (NMCC)
                   J-33             ADDO (NMCC)
                   J-34             CCOC (NMCC)
                   J-35             DIA REP FOR NMIC
                   J-38             NSA REP
                                       CIA REP


            At approximately 290200 EST Oct 75, AFOC relayed a report from
            Loring AFB, ME indicating that one unidentified helicopter, possibly
            two helicopters, had penetrated Loring AFB from Canadian territory
            with one helicopter landing briefly in proximity to a weapons storage
            area.  Attempts to locate or identify the intruding helicopters by
            an Army National Guard helicopter were unsuccessful.  Sightings of
            the unidentified helicopter(s) were limited to security guards.  A
            similar incident with a single helicopter occurred during the early
            morning of 28 Oct 75.  Permission has been granted by Canadian
            authorities to give pursuit into Canadian airspace if subsequent
            contact is effected by U.S. helicopters.


                                                                           AS OF 291300 EST Oct 75

                                               WEST HEM


            At approximately 290100 EST Oct 75, one unidentified heli-
            copter was sighted 200 to 500 meters from the weapons storage
            area at Loring AFB, Maine.  The helicopter was at an altitude
            of 150 feet feet and penetrated Loring AFB.  An attempt to contact
            and identify the intruding helicopter was made by an Army
            National Guard helo, and was unsuccessful.  At 290300 EST the
            helicopter was sighted over the weapons storage area and the
            Army National Guard helicopter again responded with the Maine
            State Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and plans to
            pursue into Canada, if necessary, if there is a reoccurrence.
            (SOURCE:  42 BW OP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75)


                                           __________________  AS OF 292200 EST Oct 75


            At approximately 290100 EST Oct 75, one unidentified helicopter
            was sighted 300 to 500 meters from the weapons storage area at
            Loring AFB, Maine.  The helicopter was at an altitude of 150 feet
            and penetrated Loring AFB.  An attempt to contact and identify the
            intruding helicopter was made by an Army National Guard helo, and
            was unsuccessful.  At 290300 EST the helicopter was sighted over
            the weapons storage area and the Army National Guard helicopter
            again responded to make contact but was unsuccessful.  The CSAF
            (Ops Div) has requested that the Army NG helo be provied until
            300800 EST under the following conditions:  To track and identify
            the intruder; no apprehension to take place; the Canadian Border
            would not be crossed; and civilian police on board will be for
            commo with ground units only.  The request is under consideration
            by MG Snifin, DA Director of Operations, DCSOPS.  Col Bailey, Mil
            Aide to Special Asst to SECDIF/DEPSECDEF has been advised of the
            situation show DoD approval be required.  The State Department
            Canadian Desk Officer has been kept informed.  (SOURCE:  42 BW CP
            LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75; SAC CP OPS CONTROL 291954Z OCT 75)

DDO UPDATE    AS OF 300600 EST Oct 75


            At approximately 290100 EST Oct 75, one unidentified helicopter
            was sighted at an altitude of 150 feet at approximately 200 to 500
            meters from a weapons storage area at Loring AFB, ME.  At 290300 EST
            Oct 75, the unidentified helicopter was sighted over the weapons
            storage area.  In both instances, an Army National Guard (NG) heli-
            copter resonded, but was unable to contact or identify the intruder.
            MG Sniffin, DA Director of Ops, DCSOPS, approved the following
            procedures for any similar incident effective until 300800 EST
            Oct 75:

               - NG helicopter and crew placed in "full time training duty"

               - NG helicopter may enter Canadian airspace with consent of
                 Canadian authorities.

               - NG helicopter employment limited to tracking and identification.

               - Only U.S. military personnel and if considered necessary
                 representatives from the FBI, FAA, and Border Patrol will be
                 embarked in the NG helicopter.

         (SOURCE:  42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75;  PHONCON

  DDO UPDATE    AS OF 301300 EST Oct


            At approximately 290100 EST Oct 75, one unidentified helicopter
            was sighted at an altitude of 150 feet at approximately 300 to 500
            meters from a weapons storage area at Loring AFB, ME.  At 290300 EST
            Oct 75, the unidentified helicopter was sighted over the weapons
            storage area.  In both instances, an Army National Guard (NG) heli-
            copter responded, but was unable to contact or identify the intruder.
            Procedures were implemented to track and identify the unidentified
            helicopter should it return during the evening of 29 Oct.  The
            helicopter did not return that evening.  Air Force is planning to
            utilize an Air Force helicopter from Plattsburgh AFB for future
            operations. (SOURCE:  42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75; PHONCON