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        1.     Clarification of the observation of unidentified flying objects sighted on the island of Trinidad, in the                  period of 12/5/57 to 1/16/58.
        1.     Captain of Corvette Carlos Alberto Ferreira Bacellar, Commandant of the Oceanographic Station of the Island of Trinidad submitted the following information to the General Staff of the Fleet on January 27 of the current year [1958].
           I - That he knew of the sighting, over the island, of the passage of an unidentified flying object, on 12/21/57, seen by the Medical Officer, 1st Lieutenant Ignacio Carlos Moreira Murta, by one crewman and by five workmen, during the morning, about 10 minutes before 8 o'clock; and that in view of the conviction of the observers and the agreement of the information reported, he had resolved to communicate by radio, which brought about the present verification;
          II - That on this occasion he found out that an identical object had been seen previously, on 12/5/57, by a workman, also in the morning at approximately the same time.

         III - That on the following day, 1/1/58, at the same time in the same location and with a direction approximately northward (the same as in the previous cases) something appeared, moving with incredible velocity.  In spite of the affirmations of various crewmen, he believed, and still believes, that it was a sea gull, in spite of the brilliance which it presented at a certain point of the trajectory; his doubt originates from the fact that the object -- or gull -- was projected against the sky, producing, in his opinion, a stereoscopic effect;
          IV - That posteriorly, on 1/2/58, a new alert had been given, this time at night, at about 10:00 pm, an alert to which he gave no importance, because he himself was on watch and had seen nothing.
           V - That finally, on the morning of 1/16/58, on board the ship NE "Admiral Saldanha," then anchored next to the island, and at the moment carrying out the operation of hoisting the launch, another alert of the UFO had been given, simultaneously by personnel in the prow and in the stern of the ship.
          VI - That, on this last occasion, a professional photographer, civilian, who was on deck in the stern of the ship, ready to photograph the operation of hoisting the launch, advised and alerted about the UFO, had the opportunity to take four photographs which are shown. 
         VII - That, after having taken the above-mentioned photographs, the photographer, in the presence of CC Bacellar and other persons, took the roll of film from the machine; later, in company of this official he went to the dark room of the ship (improvised in the head of the infirmary), dressed as he was in shirt and shorts, and where he remained only ten minutes, presenting at once the negative of the film to CC Bacellar, who affirms  having seen the above-mentioned UFO represented on the negative, although with much less clarity because the  film was somewhat dark;
        VIII - That, posteriorly, when the above-mentioned photographs were shown to persons on the ship who witnessed the phenomenon, they recognized the image represented in the photograph as identical to that which they saw in the air;
         XXI - That the person who called the attention of the photographer to take the photographs was a retired Aviation Captain of the Brazilian Air Force, then on the ship coordinating an amateur group of divers specializing in submarine fishing, also a specialty of the photographer;
           X - That the whole process of taking photographs must not have lasted more than thirty seconds;
          XI - That, finally, there was observed, in a marked way, a strong emotional state in the photographer as well as in the persons who saw the UFO. 
        2.     Immediately CC Bacellar related a phenomenon observed by him personally during his stay on the Island, twice, with the aid of a precision theodolite, during the day and witnessed by other persons, in the following terms:
        I -    That he was observing a sounding balloon when he became aware of the falling of the transmitter, a falling clearly recognized by the signals heard on the receiver and by the line traced on the recorder;
        II -   That after the above-mentioned falling the sounding balloon must have burst, since the average duration of a balloon is 40 minutes, after which it bursts because of having reached great height;
        III -  That the sounding balloon in accompaniment was concealed at 14,000 meters of altitude, approximately, when it lost the transmitter, and that immediately afterward he observed a point in the sky at about 30º, on the horizontal of the point in which the balloon had disappeared upon passing behind a               cloud;
        IV -   That seen through the theodolite the point observed presented a strange shape of a half moon, with a certain reflection of light, the phenomenon remaining for 3 hours and a half, the object apparently moving with the same angular velocity as the sun;
        V -    That the point only failed to be seen when the sky began to be covered with cirrus clouds;
        VI -   That he had not been able to explain what he had observed, considering the duration of the sounding balloons, the shape and illumination of the object and the state of the sky (moon, stars), leaving no margin for doubt;
        VII -  That, finally, the phenomenon was also witnessed by the Doctor, various crewmen and by a civil functionary of the DHN
         2.    The one who took the photographs, professional photographer Almiro Barauna, residing on Praia dc Icarái 251, Apartment 1004, in Niterói, heard in this General Staff of the Fleet (headquarters), declared the following;
         I -   That he was on the deck, in the stern, of the ship NE "Admiral Saldanha" when he was called to see a strange object, which he succeeded in seeing after watching a short while;
        II -   That, immediately after seeing the object, he aimed his camera, taking six photographs successively;
       III -   That, at once, having no more film, he took the used roll out of the machine and remained almost an hour with the roll in his hands, waiting for the strong emotional state in which he found himself to pass; then, he went to the dark room to develop the film, by then accompanied by CC Bacellar;
        IV -   That he was in said dark room for the space of 10 minutes, approximately, accompanied only by the Aviation Captain already mentioned, who served him as aid.  When the developing was finished, he brought the still damp file to
CC Bacellar, thinking that the object which had been photographed had not appeared on the developed film.  This impression was contradicted by CC Bacellar himself, who showed him certain spots which could be the object in question;
         V -   That, immediately afterward, he put the film away until his return to Rio de Janeiro, when, in his laboratory, he made several enlarged copies; the UFO showed up well only on two plates, because the negative was quite dark;
        VI -   In order to improve the negatives, he performed the operation known as "reduction," an operation which consists in lightening  all the negative equally.  However, as on two places the UFO was already visible and, fearful of losing them in case he should not succeed, he cut the roll of file and submitted to the process only the four negatives, the UFO having, then, appeared on two of them, and in different dimensions, form       and position;
       VII -   That, seeing the UFO with the naked eye, he had had the impression of a solid body, with indefinite contours, of great mobility and manageability at high speed, of imprecise color because it seemed to be wrapped in a substance which he compares to "soapsuds;" it also gave the impression of leaving a wake of like appearance and it made no noise when it moved; 
      VIII -   That he became profoundly moved with what he saw, having even felt difficulty during the process of developing the film, caused his nervous state;
        IX -   That he put his negatives at the disposition of the General Staff for all the examinations judged necessary for proof of authenticity.
         4.    From the declarations made, according to the above report, we summarize the following principal facts:
         a)    Observed, above the Island Of Trinidad, by different persons, the appearance of UFO four times, three in the morning and one at night;
         b)    Observed, by CC Bacellar and by other persons, in the morning, once, what he thought to be a sea gull, in spite of crewman (SGs and MNs) who were with him and affirmed it to be a UFO;
         c)    Observed, twice over the Island, by his then Military Commandant, Superior Officer of the Fleet, a hydrographer experienced in meteorology and in radiosounding operations, and by other persons, a phenomenon which he, CC Bacellar, could not explain satisfactorily;
         d)    Obtained, on board the NE "Admiral Saldanha," when it was anchored off the Island of Trinidad, on its return to Rio, four photographs of the UFO, by a civilian professional photographer, in the presence of other persons who affirm having seen the photographed object. 
         1.    The analysis of the preceding facts shows:
         a)    That of the five observations of the UFO four were during the day and one at night.
         b)    That of the five observations of the UFO only one was witnessed by CC Bacellar, who prefers to accept the hypothesis of having seen a gull;
         c)    That the persons who affirm having seen the UFO are of various qualifications -- workmen, sailors, dentist, doctor, aviator, officer and professional photographer;
         d)    That no officer of the Fleet saw the phenomena related above, with the exception of those narrated by CC Bacellar;
         e)    That in all cases a very strong emotional state was noted on the part of those who witnessed the appearance of the UFO, including the professional photographer, a man accustomed to submarine                photographs.  There was even a case of a workman, a young considered normal, who ran away in fright;
         f)    That the testimonies, in spite of the great difficulty in obtaining them from personnel for the most part of rudimentary education, are in agreement as to; Form -- from the now classic Disc, although irregular, tending  to tear-shaped.  Seen from below, according to observers who saw it when it passed over the Island on 12/31/57, it presented a hexagonal rounded form.  Seen from a distance, it presented
the shape of a disc, with protuberances on the upper and lower parts;

Color -- For some, indefinite; for others, of stainless steel;

Sound -- Unanimously the witnesses affirm not having heard any sound;

Discharges -- Some affirm having seen a discharge, in the form of a fine white trace against the sky; others say they saw nothing in this respect;

Dimensions -- No observer succeeded in estimating dimensions, including the aviator and the photographer.

Velocity -- All are unanimous in recognizing that the UFO was endowed with very great velocity, without being able to estimate it however.

Mobility -- All witnesses agree in recognizing great mobility; the movements noted are not continuous, like those of airplanes, but much more rapid and brusque;

Manageability -- Also all recognized great manageability in the observed object;

Altitude and distance -- Only the observers of 12/31/57, when the UFO was seen passing over the island estimated the altitude, comparing it with the height of Desejado Peak, approximately three times that height, or 1800 meters;

Appearance -- A solid body, of indefinite contours; 

Time of observation -- Very short, estimated always in seconds.
         g)    That the personnel who saw the UFO know perfectly how to identify an airplane, as when planes fly over the Island, communications were made to the DHN;
         h)    That under the circumstances in which the photographs were taken and immediately developed, the atmosphere in which this was done and the state of the photographer, as well as the time during which this work lasted, all indicate that no photographic montage was done;
         i)    That regarding the photographic proof, undeniable of greatest value and importance there remain as:
               Negative factors
                     I - No copy of the film was made at the moment of developing;
                    II - The negative, after developing, was not kept intact by the Commandant of the ship;
                   III - The work of copying and enlargement was made by the photographer in his own laboratory.
               Positive factors
                     I - The testimony of CC Bacellar that he saw the recently-developed and still damp file, the marks that he later identified on the copies as the object photographed and that the film contained the previous photographs of the hoisting of the launch;
                    II - The testimony of persons who saw the object and who, seeing the copies of the photographs affirm having seen exactly that which appears in the photograph;
         j)    That with respect to the negatives, they were submitted to examination by the technician of the DHN and by technicians of Aerial Photography Survey Service of airline Cruzeiro do Sul, with the following results:
               I - The technician of the DHN, after making the examinations, affirms:  the negatives are natural, of the object photographed;
              II - The technicians of Cruzeiro, after more complete and thorough examinations, including microscopic, for then verification of signs, luminosity and details of contour, affirm:
                   - There was on the above-mentioned negatives no sign of montage, all indicating it to be a negative of the object really photographed;
                   - Any hypothesis of posterior montagem was removed;
                   - It would be impossible to prove either the existence or nonexistence of anterior montage, which requires, however, extreme technical skill and circumstances favorable to its execution.
         1.    In view of the presentation of the facts and the analysis carried out and expressed above, it can be concluded:
           A - That there are innumerable witnesses who affirm having seen UFOs over the Island of Trinidad.  These witnesses are of various categories, and the appearances occurred on different days.
           B - That the testimonies presented are fallible, owing principally to the little preparation of the majority of observers and the rapidity with which the phenomenon passed, nothing can be stated conclusively, therefore, as to positive data about the UFOs.
           C - That the strongest and most valid testimony offered, that of the photographer, loses its definitively convincing character given the technical impossibility of proving if there was or not previous photographic montage.
           D - That, finally, the existence of personal testimonies and of a photographer, of some value given the circumstances involved permit the admission that there are indications of the existence of the UFO.

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