Jan Aldrich)

Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 11:02:46 -0800
The following item is from the US Army Intelligence UFO files.

The file number written on the letter is 452.1 in pencil.  A date
in pencil is 15 May 52 in parenthesis is 25 Mar 48 which is on
a large number documents which may be the date on the controlling
file directive (??).  (452.1 is the file number for "Unconventional


United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington 25, D. C.

Date:         May 15, 1952

To:           Director of Special Investigations
                The Inspector General
                Department of the Air Force
                The Pentagon
                Washington 25, D. C.

From:       John Edgar Hoover, Director
                Federal Bureau of Investigation


               The Savannah Office of this Bureau has been informed that at approximately 10:45 p. M., May 10 1952,
four employees of the DuPont Company employed in the Savannah  River Plant near Ellenton, South Carolina saw four disk shaped objects approaching "the four hundred area" from the south which disappeared in a northerly direction.  At approximately 11:10 p. M. A similar object was seen by these employees approaching form the northeast and disappearing in a southwesterly direction.  A similar object was also sighted about 11:15 p. m. traveling from south to north by the same

                The disks were described by the above-mentioned employees as being approximately fifteen inches in diameter and
yellow to gold in color.  All of the objects were allegedly traveling at a high rate of speed and at a high altitude without
any noise.  The disk shaped object referred to above which approached "the four hundred area" from a northeasterly direction
was reportedly traveling at such a low altitude it had to rise to pass over some tall tanks which are in "the four hundred area."
The employee referred to above advised the objects were weaving form left to right but seemed to hold a general course.  According to these persons because of the speed at which the objects were traveling they were only visible for a few seconds.

                  The above data, which was previous furnished to your office through this Bureau's liaison representative, is
being furnished for your information and any action you desire to take in this matter.  No investigation is being conducted by
this Bureau.

cc -- Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2
        Department of the Army
        The Pentagon
        Washington 25, D. C.

        Attention: Chief, Intelligence Division

cc -- Director of Naval Intelligence
        Department of the Navy
        The Pentagon
        Washington 25, D. C.

cc -- Captain John A. Waters
        Director of Security         BY SPECIAL MESSENGER
        Atomic Energy Commission
        Room 805B
        333 Third Street, N. W.
        Washington 25, D. C.