Front page headlines:
Rockford Register - Republic
Speedy Jets Are Alerted In Vain Hunt
Fifty - four
"flying saucers" were sighted streaking over Rockford Sunday evening by
at least 14 persons.
Two U.S. air force F-86
Sabrejet interceptors based at O'Hare Internationa Airport near Chicago
came here seeking the strange objects, but the pilots didn't see them.
The report of the saucers here
may be the most detailed of all, and probably more of the objects were
seen consecutively than ever before anywhere in the nation.
Sighted in Evening
Roy E. Munson, 1231 Witlergren Drive,
Rockford businessman and veteran of 20 years as a private pilot,
sighted the first of the saucers at 5:38 p.m., as he lay in a hammock
in his back yard, looking into the clear sky.
At first Munson said he
wasn't sure that he was seeing the objects that so many have reported
sseing throughout the nation since the spring of 1947.
The flying saucer mystery has
been the subject of much detailed investigation recently, but it
remains a mystery, as far as the general public is concerned.
Called Neighbors
Munson summoned his family of
three after sighting the first of the objects. Within a few minutes,
another apperaed. Across the street, at the Eugene Leander home, there
was a picnic inprogress, and soon 10 to 11 other persons joined in the
almost fantastic sightings.
Munson called the CAA operator
at Greater Rockford airport, who relayed the Rockford man's
(Continued on Page 2A, Col. 5)
Jets Chase 54
Two Sabre Pilots Fail
To Sight Objects
(Continued from Page 1A)
report to the air force base near Chicago.
Two of the top air force jet
planes capable pf 670 mile-an-hour flight took off and the pilots
started to hunt for the strange objects.
The two swept-wing fighters
circled Rockford at an altitude of 2,000 feet several. Radio contact
with the Greator Rockford airport was established and during part of
the ime Munson was connected to the CAA office by telephone while the
operator relayed his information to the jet pilots.
Disappear from View
Munson said the two jets
appeared just as the last of 54 objects disappeared from view. By the
radio-telephone relay, Munson directed the jet pilots to the area where
he had seen the other queer discs.
Lt. Robert Jordan, O'Hare
military public information officer, verified the reports today. He
said the two pilots were here for 20 minutes or more, but sighted no
saucers or other strange objects. The pilots filed reports after
returning to their base late Sunday evening.
Munson and other persons about
his east side home near East high school, watched the eerie objects for
more than 90 minutes. There was a regular procession of the objects,
following, for the most part, a seemingly fixed path, each appearing on
the west horizon, streaking across the sky, and disappearing in the
east horizon about six seconds later.
Going 2000 M.P.H.
" If those jets were going 500
miles per hour," Munson said, "the saucers were going 2000 miles per
hour. These objects could never be overtaken even by these ultra-fast
Munson, an experienced pilot
never fully discounted the flying saucer reports of the past, because
he respects the integrity of the private, transport and the military
pilots who at one time or another have reported sighting saucers.
"They saw something," Munson
said, "and we saw something here." Munson said the objects he and the
others saw Sunday evening were "as real as those jets , which were seen
by a great many."
He described the objects as
being surrounded by a haze that prevented seeing detailed outlines. The
objects appeared rather dark on their approach, and then became
brilliant as they neared and passed overhead. Disappearing, they again
looked darker.
Of the 54 objects, 36 appeared
larger that the others and moved faster. Fifty followed the straight
west-to-east path out of sight. Three according to Munson, deviated
from the path to the north. One deviated to the south.
"The entire sighting defies
description," Munson related. "We were in a good position to see,
staying in the shade looking up into the clear sky. All of us saw the
same thing. Through low-powered binoculars, the objects appeared to
take on a toadstool shape, but without the thick stem."
Munson could not estimate the
altitude of the objects. He said the indefinite shape and haze
prevented such an estimate. "There is no doubt, however," Munson said,
"that they were very high."
Aroused Interest
The roaring jet planes aroused much
interest in Rockford as they swept low and circled the city area, then
climbed within a few minutes to 20,000 feet or more.
Lieutenant Jordan, the air
base spokesman, said the planes are fully armed and are the same as are
now being used in Korea.
The planes were not here
giving a demonstration, as some thought, and it wasn't a home
town boy giving his family a thrill, as others thought.
The two pilots were about
their deadly serious business of hunting strange , unidentified
objects. "That is why we are here," Jordan said. The planes were of the
4706th air defense wing.
It could not be recalled today
when, if ever, anyone ever reported a sighting of such duration, in
such detail and of so many "flying saucers."
End of article.
From APRO Files
I could not locate a Witlergren Drive in Rockford,
but there is a Wintergreen Drive in Rockford, Illinois.