McCampbell UFO Vehicle
Classification System |
The primary UFO types appear to
Spheres and discs between 1- and 3-ft diameter that are almost certainly sensing
devices, either preprogrammed or remotely controlled. They have been seen
to emerge from standard craft, fly around for extended periods, then return
for pick up. The kind of measurements that they take can only be guessed.
Three principal types eventually belong to this group;
a) An egg-shaped machine about 6- to 8-ft
long that flies with the long axis vertical, comparable in size to a compact
b) An elongated cylinder without external appendages that flies in
the direction of its axis, comparable in size to the body of a jet fighter.
c) A spherical object about 15 ft in diameter.
This group, accounting for about half the sightings is dominated by the basic
disc with numerous variations. Most common size is about 25- to 35-ft
Several different types. Most frequently reported is a
disc about 100 ft diameter.
An even larger one, several stories tall inside, probably has a diameter between
250- and 300-ft. A large cigar-shaped craft should also be included here.
Seen only at very high altitude is a gigantic, cigar-shaped machine that is
probably twice as large as an aircraft carrier and, perhaps, as much as 1
mile in length. Smaller craft have been seen to be discharged from them in
large numbers.