Analytical Notes
NMS Sightings from NUFORC


Listings in bold are compelling correlations and more information on those incidents can be found by clicking on the 8-digit date at

4/2/2022 - Kingston, TN - is 90 miles NE of Marysville node. Time factor is good but description and short duration near a suspect military base makes it less compelling. No anomalistic motion reported.

4/2/2022 - Cheyenne, WY. Rough timing, not compelling and no nodes in that state.

4/4/2022 - Big Cedar, OK - Node 172 too far from sighting to consider, 166 miles.

4/8/2022 - Orlando, FL - Node 204 at Titusville didn't exist in April, came online in late June.

4/9/2022 - Austin, TX - Field reading at 101 at Austin lacks non-random spike, no appreciable compass heading change (MSV). Description not compelling.

4/10/2022 - Clarksburg, WV - Under investigation - compass variations/ no significant field numbers, also 82 miles.

4/13/2022 - Lake Ketchum, WA  - Within 33 miles but numbers not impressive.

4/15/2022 - Orlando, FL - No MADAR node
there in April.

4/16/2022 - Bellingham, WA - Nothing compelling in the data nor the sighting information, 60 miles is pushing the usual limit.

4/21/2022 - Blairsville, PA - 78 miles from nearest madar site 192 at Weirton, WV, but 192 had an anomaly day prior.

4/22/2022 - Tipton, IN - 19 miles from node 22 and 25 miles from 84. 84 was offline and 22 had no interesting data.

4/22/2022 - Mansfield, OH - Admitted by nuforc to be a "weak case". Time was not specific enough.