Date of sighting __________ Time ______ AM PM (Circle One) Time Zone ____
Converted to 24-hr clock __________ UTC ______________ [ ] Following day
City _______________________ State ______
Source: [ ] NUFORC ____________ [ ] MUFON [ ] _______________
Latitude __________________ Longitude -- _______________________
Tracer Node __________ Nearest MADAR nodes are as follows:
MADAR site _____ __________________ is ____ miles ____ of sighting location
MADAR site _____ __________________ is ____ miles ____ of sighting location
MADAR site _____ __________________ is ____ miles ____ of sighting location[ ] NMR updated as to status whether investigated or not.
[ ] NUFORC index of sighting obtained and saved to file
[ ] MAP image created if appropriate.
[ ] CIR submitted to NUFORC on _________ Approved _________________
[ ] Investigation Request submitted to _______________________________
[ ] MADAR data submitted to NUFORC on ___________________________
[ ] Add to MATCH database
[ ] Added to Annual Match Report