Date: Friday, 15 Nov 2016
   From: fran ridge <>


Your HRS-1 is small, but mighty, and has the future of UFO detection already built in and ready to be updated at a moment's notice. You place it in a secure location, plug in the Ethernet cable to your router, plug in the power adaptor, and within minutes the HRS-1 is sending data to the MADARNET. The data is being stored onboard but also relayed to the MADARNET server, the readings showing up on the MADAR Screens all over the world. Magnitude, duration, location, etc., all time-dated. Your unit has a number, BRAVO 44, which means yours is the forty-fourth device which is operating as a base unit.  The deluxe model has a 7" touchscreen.


Your same device when used as a field unit is designated FOXTROT 44. You don't have to enter it into your logbook that you're taking the device on a SKYWATCH patrol along with other hand-held equipment because the device has a built-in program that takes care of that. You have a battery pack and/or a power cord for your car's cigarette lighter which will run the device for hours while it stores the data. Over $9000 worth of software is running this valuable scientific tool, looking for and recording geomagnetic and electromagnetic disturbances, possible earthquake precursers,...... AND UFOs. One of the tools you have reminds you of the "ghost hunters" K-II meter with the LEDs that light up from left to right. But this one is yet another MADAR device, an M-II, which has LEDS AND sound and uses wifi to transmit E-M data to your HRS-1 and onto the MADARNET site!!! Your HRS-1 is the sensor and sending unit that does all the hard work while you work with your SKYWATCH team or Rapid Deployment Group gathering other data and watching the skies.

And this is just the beginning. Your device automatically gets software updates and your HRS-1 will be able to do things as they are dreamed of and needed. The sky's the limit.

Mailing Address:
Francis Ridge
618 Davis Drive
Mt. Vernon, IN  47620


(812) 838-3120