NCP-01: Some Early Patterns - Loren Gross NCP-02: The NEPA and UFOs - Loren Gross NCP-03: UFO Sightings & Nuclear Sites - Larry Hatch NCP-04: A Project is Born: NCP: A Nuclear Connection - Francis Ridge NCP-05: UFOs Continue to Visit Nuclear Energy Sites - George Fawcett NCP-06: The Oak Ridge Mini-Flap - Lawrence Fawcett & Barry Greenwood NCP-07: The Radiation Story - Captain Edward J. Ruppelt NCP-08: The Nuclear connection - Richard Hall NCP-09: Oak Ridge Native Speak - An Introduction - Jerry Washington NCP-10: Nuclear Historical Correlative Research - Robert Duvall NCP-11: Do Nuclear Facilities Attract UFOs? - Donald A. Johnson NCP-12: The White Sands Proof - Bruce Maccabee NCP-13 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Craft - Bruce Maccabee NCP-14 Saucers Over Oak Ridge - Bruce Maccabee NCP-15 The Cuban Missile Crisis & UFOs - Francis Ridge NCP-16 National Security, Missing Files & The Nuclear Key - Francis Ridge NCP-17 Pandora's Box - What Have We Done? Francis Ridge NCP-18 Roswell 200 Miles Up - The Boys Upstairs - Francis Ridge NCP-19 MADAR 15 and the WOW Signal: Any Connection? - Francis Ridge NCP-20 Roswell Debris: Not of This Earth - Kevin Randle NCP-21 UFOIS: The UFO Sighting Wave of 1965 - Fran Ridge NCP-22 UFOIS: The UFO Sighting Wave of 1957 - Fran Ridge NCP-23 UFO: The History, the Investment, and the Human Race Today - Robert Duvall NCP-24 Missile Shutdowns 1967: The Minuteman, The Mother of All Sighting Waves - Fran Ridge NCP-25 Mystery Satellites: Carriers or Confabulations? - Fran Ridge NCP-26 The Night NORAD Went On Top Alert - Fran Ridge NCP-27 Chilling Nuclear Videos Where Were Our Visitors? - Fran Ridge NCP-28 UFOIS: The UFO Sighting Wave of 1973 - MADAR & Nuclear Connection - Fran Ridge Alphabetical
and Histories of All Nuclear SAC Bases by State or
Computer Data File for NCP: Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas - Kirtland AFB Catalog of Known and Putative Nuclear Explosions From Unclassified Sources (38 pgs) Related Papers Power
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Nuclear-Related Web
Sites of Interest
The High Energy Weapons Archive - A Guide to Nuclear Weapons (884 links) |
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